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evil ryu vs shin lvl 2 akuma
anis91Date: Friday, 2011-07-29, 0:45 AM | Message # 1
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guys i finally made enough frames to post this animation,it's kind of suckish but, hope u like
Mugen_BoyDate: Friday, 2011-07-29, 6:27 PM | Message # 2
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It's good but you could work in a few parts of the animation, like when that black guy (dunno the name :s) was getting up, you could put some more actions. Something which is not just simple getting up-taking position. That's all I have to say now, and btw it's not finished right?
BladeStorm_XDate: Friday, 2011-07-29, 6:36 PM | Message # 3
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Nice animation but after ryu gets up he slides back which is wierd considering he can't do that wacko
VizDate: Friday, 2011-07-29, 7:10 PM | Message # 4
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Quote (Mugen_Boy)
like when that black guy (dunno the name :s)

There aren't any black guys.

If you meant the character wearing the black Gi, then read the title. It's Evil Ryu.

The other character is Shin Akuma.

As for the animation, the physics are absolute garbage.

Ryu's Shinku Hadouken was executed horribly(The effects were good. The looping animation that Ryu was doing looked horrible. Akuma's reaction was bad.

Another thing about the Shinku Hadouken is that Akuma just stood there and waited for Ryu to charge it. That wouldn't happen.

The combos were pretty good, apart from the bad physics.

Now, at first glance, the throw looked good. But after further inspection I realised that Akuma stays still in mid-air for a few frames. This is totally unnatural. The way that Akuma's position transitions from kicking to damage frames in one frame also looks bad. But because the scene is so quick it's hard to notice. Try to edit it a little to make it look more natural but it doesn't need heavy, heavy editing.

I liked the throw, it was executed well.

I didn't like how Akuma recovered from Ryu's Kongou Kokuretsu Zan and then landed on top of him. It looks very unnatural.

Finally, the effects that you used were good. Bravo.

Basically, in order to improve this animation, just try to make it flow a lot more. At the moment it's just very stop-start. The physics need drastic improvement and you need to fix some of the looping animations.

Quote (BladeStorm_X)
ut after ryu gets up he slides back which is wierd considering he can't do that

Actually, he can. That's one of the moves Evil Ryu and Akuma share. It's their version of a teleport.

But in actuality it's just a dash with longer range.
Mugen_BoyDate: Friday, 2011-07-29, 7:14 PM | Message # 5
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Quote (VizardFerrer)
If you meant the character wearing the black Gi, then read the title. It's Evil Ryu.

Yea I meant that one
anis91Date: Saturday, 2011-07-30, 2:29 AM | Message # 6
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Quote (Mugen_Boy)
and btw it's not finished right?

of course, didn't u notice that shin lvl2 akuma(the one with the dark and clear blue costume)stayed in the air of ryu's dragon smash(or shoryu-cannon) in the end?
Quote (BladeStorm_X)
Nice animation but after ryu gets up he slides back which is wierd considering he can't do that wacko

lol man it's evil ryu, and that's ashura senkuukyakuu, a teleport as viz said,
Quote (VizardFerrer)
Ryu's Shinku Hadouken was executed horribly(The effects were good. The looping animation that Ryu was doing looked horrible.

i know, now i found a good effect to replace that one,though it's the best,
akuma's reaction was bad

lol man i forgot to make the screen a little black and make akuma stop, it's a super freeze, the opponent cannot do anything while somebody's making the super,also i forgot to put the charge effect(exemple: in 3rd strike two lightnings appears then a charge)
Quote (VizardFerrer)
Now, at first glance, the throw looked good. But after further inspection I realised that Akuma stays still in mid-air for a few frames. This is totally unnatural. The way that Akuma's position transitions from kicking to damage frames in one frame also looks bad. But because the scene is so quick it's hard to notice. Try to edit it a little to make it look more natural but it doesn't need heavy, heavy editing.

ok i will edit that
Quote (VizardFerrer)
I didn't like how Akuma recovered from Ryu's Kongou Kokuretsu Zan and then landed on top of him. It looks very unnatural.

lol man that's misogi, i put it here as a counterattack, i didn't have time to transform it from cvs style too sf3 style, so i made the Kongou Kokuretsu Zan sprites instead
Quote (VizardFerrer)
Finally, the effects that you used were good. Bravo.

i finally made something that impresses you

Added (2011-07-29, 11:08 PM)
btw guys, i won't be updating for a little while, i'm downloading Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition on Utorrent,it may take more than one week

Added (2011-07-30, 2:29 Am)

Quote (Mugen_Boy)
It's good but you could work in a few parts of the animation, like when that black guy (dunno the name :s) was getting up, you could put some more actions. Something which is not just simple getting up-taking position. That's all I have to say now, and btw it's not finished right?

but those are the only standing sprites
VizDate: Saturday, 2011-07-30, 5:08 PM | Message # 7
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Quote (anis91)
uper Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition on Utorrent,it may take more than one week

Find a better torrent.

Torrent download speed isn't dependant on your Internet speed.

Also, piracy is bad.
anis91Date: Saturday, 2011-07-30, 5:21 PM | Message # 8
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Quote (VizardFerrer)
Find a better torrent.

Torrent download speed isn't dependant on your Internet speed.

no, i found the best torrent, 200-500kbs second, but the file is so heavy, 10 Gbs
Quote (VizardFerrer)
Also, piracy is bad.

i know, but i don't have an Xbox 360 so i wanted it on PC
Mugen_BoyDate: Saturday, 2011-07-30, 6:05 PM | Message # 9
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Quote (anis91)
of course

Oh ok thought so
VizDate: Saturday, 2011-07-30, 8:29 PM | Message # 10
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Quote (anis91)
no, i found the best torrent, 200-500kbs second

It won't take a week to download then.

Quote (anis91)
but the file is so heavy, 10 Gbs

I think you mean 'large', not 'heavy'.
anis91Date: Saturday, 2011-07-30, 9:32 PM | Message # 11
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Quote (VizardFerrer)
It won't take a week to download then.

yeah i said that too when i saw the speed, it's a mistake, cause yesterday i started the download, now it's 25% complete!
Quote (VizardFerrer)
I think you mean 'large', not 'heavy'.

yeah, sry i my country we say heavy(in our language of course)
VizDate: Saturday, 2011-07-30, 11:00 PM | Message # 12
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Quote (anis91)
cause yesterday i started the download, now it's 25% complete!

It should only take 5 hours at 500kb/s
anis91Date: Sunday, 2011-07-31, 1:12 AM | Message # 13
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Quote (VizardFerrer)
It should only take 5 hours at 500kb/s

it rarely reaches 500kb/s,i would be very happy if i download it in 5hours, and now, it reached 37%

Added (2011-07-31, 1:12 Am)

here, i fixed some things, added/changed effect
my SSFIV:AE is downloading well, so....never mind about what i said tongue

VizDate: Sunday, 2011-07-31, 4:34 AM | Message # 14
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You didn't fix Ryu's looping animation during the Shinku Hadouken.

Also, the 'freeze time' scene wasn't executed very well. My suggestion would be to put Akuma into a dizzy state and then make Ryu fire off the SH. It'd look a lot more realistic and natural.

But seriously, the thing that you MUST fix ASAP is Akuma's reaction to the Shinku Hadouken(Not during the Hadouken, but after it, the part where he spins back into the middle of the screen).

Everything else I said in my previous post still applies.
Mugen_BoyDate: Sunday, 2011-07-31, 10:54 AM | Message # 15
Mystic Animator
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This one's better than the before one, good job nd keep improving ^^
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