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A Bad Logo
KIXDate: Wednesday, 2012-02-01, 5:04 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 147
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So here u go my sucking logo

Mugen_BoyDate: Wednesday, 2012-02-01, 7:53 PM | Message # 2
Mystic Animator
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Seriously, you just put a gradient to a canvas with that thing written on it.
Change the font at least.
What did you use to make it? I suggest use FireWorks. Or maybe you did use it?
KIXDate: Wednesday, 2012-02-01, 10:08 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
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Quote (-MB-)
Seriously, you just put a gradient to a canvas with that thing written on it.
Change the font at least.
What did you use to make it? I suggest use FireWorks. Or maybe you did use it?

wats firework :\ dont know how to use firework

Mugen_BoyDate: Thursday, 2012-02-02, 4:07 PM | Message # 4
Mystic Animator
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This is FireWorks. You don't need to learn about it again, it's just like MS Paint, but better, a lot better.
If you want to do something like what you posted in this thread, then just take a rectangle tool and make a rectangle. Add some effect to it from the options. Then choose the text tool and write on it. You can also add effect to the text.
Here's an image of it:

Just by using those tools which I marked, you can make something better than what you just made.
Also you see those cool effects at the right side? You can use them all into your text or the rectangle. There are a lot more effects. You can download more too.
anis91Date: Thursday, 2012-02-02, 7:33 PM | Message # 5
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Quote (KIX)
So here u go my sucking logo

believe me i loled hard in my chair XD,
dude u just made a gradient as a bg, and a green name smile , what the hell? lol XD

Added (2012-02-02, 7:33 PM)
btw as a PS, use fireworks as MB said wink

KIXDate: Thursday, 2012-02-02, 11:14 PM | Message # 6
Group: Users
Messages: 147
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3
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Quote (-MB-)
This is FireWorks. You don't need to learn about it again, it's just like MS Paint, but better, a lot better.
If you want to do something like what you posted in this thread, then just take a rectangle tool and make a rectangle. Add some effect to it from the options. Then choose the text tool and write on it. You can also add effect to the text.
Here's an image of it:

Just by using those tools which I marked, you can make something better than what you just made.
Also you see those cool effects at the right side? You can use them all into your text or the rectangle. There are a lot more effects. You can download more too.

thnk u i was looking for this and wtf it look dito paint
Quote (anis91)
believe me i loled hard in my chair XD,
dude u just made a gradient as a bg, and a green name smile , what the hell? lol XD

Added (2012-02-02, 7:33 PM)
btw as a PS, use fireworks as MB said wink

lol it really does suck dats why i told u that
btw my randomness work

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