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Just a few custom sprites I made
G7Date: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 10:10 AM | Message # 1
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Here are a few sprites i made after i learned to franken sprite, lemme know what you think.


White Star. Soul Eater inspired this character.

Stealth. Still need to giv'em a gun on his side, and some other kind of unique weapon on his back.

Shadow Star, No relation to white star.




Togoro Honda.


I like this one alot. I call it Team Strider 3

Thats all for now. Hope you guys like.


Message edited by G7 - Saturday, 2011-04-23, 10:28 AM
MysticDragonDate: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 12:39 PM | Message # 2
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Are these edits or 100% custom?
Shadow GamerDate: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 1:49 PM | Message # 3
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Nice I like the last one.

VizDate: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 2:24 PM | Message # 4
Group: AShop Contributor
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Nope, these are all copy-pasta/recolour edits.

I am heavily disappointed.

Go learn to sprite instead of mashing different parts of already made sprites together.

Mugen_BoyDate: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 2:58 PM | Message # 5
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If these are custom, then I would like it a lot.
Shadow GamerDate: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 3:09 PM | Message # 6
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Stop blaming others Viz If you no How to do it then post it right angry

Mugen_BoyDate: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 3:16 PM | Message # 7
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Quote (VizardFerrer)
Nope, these are all copy-pasta/recolour edits.

I am heavily disappointed.

Go learn to sprite instead of mashing different parts of already made sprites together.

That post can't encourage anyone at all, and what's the problem with edits? Atleast he's got a talent. You still didn't stop your negativity and that might scare off the users who will join in the future.
G7Date: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 4:28 PM | Message # 8
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Nope, these are all copy-pasta/recolour edits.

No shit sherlock, Do you not know what franken spriting or the word customize means? Did i say i made these from scratch? No moron so learn to read and comprehend before opening your big mouth jackass. you talk alot of garbage bro and then never back it up, but its cool the world needs people like you, to make people like us look magnificent.

Are these edits or 100% custom?

Is there a difference in the terms when it comes to spriting, cause i could've sworn they meant the same thing almost. but anywho i took the sprites apart and put them back together and recolored like that asshole Viz said. Whatever you call that that's what i did. if my wording was wrong i apologize, to you at least.

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll keep at it.


P.S. Sorry for the language if it was too harsh.

Mugen_BoyDate: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 4:53 PM | Message # 9
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Quote (G7)
Sorry for the language if it was too harsh.

Don't repeat.
See Viz no one likes your attitude so stop it.
VizDate: Monday, 2011-04-25, 3:36 PM | Message # 10
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Quote (Spidey)
Stop blaming others Viz If you no How to do it then post it right

Spidey, that is completely irrelevant, I suggest you leave this site right now if that is your logic.

Criticism is what happens on art sites, don't like it? Leave.

Quote (Mugen_Boy)
See Viz no one likes your attitude so stop it.

And you call yourself the owner of an art site? You side with people who get their feelings hurt by criticism, that's the wrong thing to do.

Like I said, criticism happens on art site, deal with it, any good artist welcomes criticism, ask someone yourself if you don't believe me.

Also, you're basing your post on the opinion of people from this site, which is what? 5 people, if you actually had good artists on your website then they would tell you that criticism is valuable.

You guys are just butthurt if somebody says something bad about your work.

Quote (G7)
Did i say i made these from scratch?

Yes, the word 'custom' when related to spriting means that you made them from scratch.

Quote (G7)
No moron so learn to read and comprehend before opening your big mouth jackass. you talk alot of garbage bro and then never back it up, but its cool the world needs people like you, to make people like us look magnificent.

Why so mad? Did I hurt your feelings? bawwww, maybe you should learn to take criticism instead of getting butthurt by somebody's opinion.

Also, insults are real mature bro, good job.

Also, their was no need to back anything up, it was already there for everybody to see, you posted the evidence yourself.

Mugen_BoyDate: Monday, 2011-04-25, 7:01 PM | Message # 11
Mystic Animator
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VizardFerrer, You're going against the Admin and being a member, you should know that's not the right thing to do.
And you're not the only user who's better here, I can call people who are better than you and who are not so arrogant at giving criticism.
And anyway you're not trying to contribute so how dare you say anything against other members who are trying to show their works here.
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