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paragraph game
anis91Date: Sunday, 2011-11-27, 0:11 AM | Message # 1
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hey guys, this is a game where someone writes a paragraph, including the names of site cutten to two words, at max each one is far 2 lines from the other, and the other must reveal all these sites names,
Ex:" yesterday, after washing my face and having my bath, i found that my history book disappeared, i looked for it everywhere and bla bla bla..."
the word here is FaceBook, of course i won't high light any word in the real paragraph,
no one starts a paragraph only when the one before it is finished
ok i'll start:
[i]"yesterday, when my cousin's sun was watching "Bo on the go" with me, he suddenly screamed "ogle!", well he meant ogre, i turned to see what's there, but, it was just the new dog which his dad bought him rolling on the grounds, i said to him "that's not a ogre, mike, it's just a doggy", we took for him many images, and shared on the internet, but, they were all hacked by some called"the deadly hack", he decided to hack also our PC! when knew that when say many animations coming out, of a guy slaughtering a PC, we went to the "PC shop"(ridiculous name i know), to by Norton 2012 quickly, but it appeared that the photo on the wall of norton was fake! we asked the shop master to throw it in the paper bucket, and we came back, where we found that the PC was already hacked! it was showing none sense words and symbols like "ù;,m;l:mlj,:mjl,;$^:,;:ù,;ù", which ended up by the word "you!", and then restarted with a word which i remember till now, it was "GTFOTUBESTFUMFROFLOLMAO", my cousin shuted down the PC immediatly, which caused many damages to the graphic card, which is something weird!"
there are 6 names of sites you guys know
Mugen_BoyDate: Sunday, 2011-11-27, 12:23 PM | Message # 2
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Quote (anis91)
many animations coming out, of a guy slaughtering a PC, we went to the "PC shop"

Animation Shop biggrin lol
Quote (anis91)
photo on the wall of norton was fake! we asked the shop master to throw it in the paper bucket

photo bucket

Thats all I could find,
also this looks like a nice thread!
anis91Date: Sunday, 2011-11-27, 1:57 PM | Message # 3
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Animation Shop biggrin lol

yeah i said sites you know, not famous sites,

and keep observing wink
Mugen_BoyDate: Sunday, 2011-11-27, 2:28 PM | Message # 4
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Photo bucket is also a site
RU-MANDate: Sunday, 2011-11-27, 4:49 PM | Message # 5
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Photo bucket is also a site

yeah it is a nice one
anis91Date: Sunday, 2011-11-27, 5:06 PM | Message # 6
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Photo bucket is also a site
i didn't mean that, i mean some sites you guys know, and i didn't say famous sites, so this should be an easy game
RU-MANDate: Sunday, 2011-11-27, 5:33 PM | Message # 7
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anis91Date: Sunday, 2011-11-27, 6:48 PM | Message # 8
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don't worry mb, i'll say this for you
"no one word post please"
acrobaticDate: Monday, 2011-11-28, 5:05 AM | Message # 9
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Norton 2012 I don`t know,I saw photo bucket tho its quite obvious.I read it 2 times though.

Please join my site. www.zekhaimeadows.ucoz.com
anis91Date: Monday, 2011-11-28, 9:42 PM | Message # 10
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lol'd at all of you guys
kk i'll make it easier
1 line: word n° 1
line 2 to line 3: word n°2
line 3 to line 4: word n°3
line 5: words n°4 which is animationshop
line 6 to line 7: word n°5 wich is photo bucket
line 9: word n°6

Added (2011-11-28, 9:42 PM)
if viz was, he could have figured it out

Mugen_BoyDate: Tuesday, 2011-11-29, 8:35 PM | Message # 11
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Quote (RU-MAN)

please dont post any one words
Wait is there any imageshack site in that paragraph because I had thought it out before but was not so sure..
anis91Date: Tuesday, 2011-11-29, 11:14 PM | Message # 12
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correct! 3/6 now, 3 words left
Mugen_BoyDate: Wednesday, 2011-11-30, 6:08 PM | Message # 13
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Found it
Quote (anis91)
which ended up by the word "you!", and then restarted with a word which i remember till now, it was "GTFOTUBESTFUMFROFLOLMAO"

Quote (anis91)
new dog which his dad bought him rolling on the grounds

Quote (anis91)
photo on the wall of norton was fake! we asked the shop master to throw

uhh..photoshop? lol
anis91Date: Wednesday, 2011-11-30, 11:46 PM | Message # 14
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uhh..photoshop? lol
AWWW you messed it up, anyways this was for photobucket

and nice biggrin
Mugen_BoyDate: Thursday, 2011-12-01, 1:02 PM | Message # 15
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so whats the last site's name?
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