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Hi Guys can u help me??
RU-MANDate: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 5:39 PM | Message # 1
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Hi Guyzz can anyone send me a link of a good FREE Normal to HD Video Converter?? sad
thanks in advance biggrin


Message edited by RU-MAN - Thursday, 2011-11-03, 5:40 PM
anis91Date: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 7:12 PM | Message # 2
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if that was the contrary, that could have been possible,
any med/low-def cannot be converted into a hi-def vid,
it depends on camera used, 1024p/720p cameras are the best
Quote (RU-MAN)

this isn't a letter you know, i mean, lol biggrin XD!, and anyone can read your name on top of you info wink

Message edited by anis91 - Thursday, 2011-11-03, 8:51 PM
Mugen_BoyDate: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 7:58 PM | Message # 3
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Look at this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gwlf_ooks8s
anis91Date: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 8:17 PM | Message # 4
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that's a noob way, the real graphics won't change anyway only if they were 720,
Mugen_BoyDate: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 8:21 PM | Message # 5
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Then if that doesnt help i got another one (there are thousands of them if you search in youtube)
anis91Date: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 8:26 PM | Message # 6
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nothing different, avi just changes the resolution, not the definition
RU-MANDate: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 8:45 PM | Message # 7
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Thanks MB

Added (2011-11-03, 8:45 PM)
Yeah... Anis is right , it only changes its resolution not the Quality

Message edited by RU-MAN - Thursday, 2011-11-03, 8:46 PM
anis91Date: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 8:49 PM | Message # 8
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Quote (RU-MAN)
Yeah... Anis is right , it only changes its resolution not the Quality
told you MB wink
RU-MANDate: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 8:51 PM | Message # 9
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well then, At least there might be a 2d to 3d converter right??
anis91Date: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 8:53 PM | Message # 10
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um...no, unless it's made by hand :/

Added (2011-11-03, 8:53 PM)
also the contrary(or reversment) is possible

RU-MANDate: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 8:55 PM | Message # 11
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hmmm.... then i think i should download real 3d vids
anis91Date: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 9:01 PM | Message # 12
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ummm, there's no 3D vid, all vids are just a bunch of images after each other(in other words, they are like animated sprites) only a swf(maybe a flv), 3d, swft and other extension files are 3d
Mugen_BoyDate: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 9:38 PM | Message # 13
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Quote (RU-MAN)
it only changes its resolution not the Quality

Sorry i dont know much about these stuffs so..yea..
btw i think i saw a vid on how to convert 2d to 3d somewhere ..
VizDate: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 11:05 PM | Message # 14
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This thread is full of ignorance.

You can convert SD videos to HD.

Quote (anis91)
avi just changes the resolution, not the definition

>Changes resolution not definition

Wow, just....wow.

High definition is high resolution. Anything that has a higher resolution than SD is HD.

Quote (RU-MAN)
At least there might be a 2d to 3d converter right??

What do you mean by that?
anis91Date: Thursday, 2011-11-03, 11:26 PM | Message # 15
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Quote (Viz)
High definition is high resolution
big mistake, there's a diffrence between them, definition is the way the image/vid is show(sry forgot the word)
if it looks pixeled, that's low-def
if it looks none pixeled, and runned with good FPS, that's a hi-def

whiles't resolution is if the image is blury/badly contracted, and badly hued, the low-res
if it's none blury, well show, and well hued, that's hi-res

i just forgot the word for the definition

EDIT:sry double post fail

Message edited by anis91 - Thursday, 2011-11-03, 11:27 PM
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