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how to rip sprite from mugen
anis91Date: Sunday, 2011-10-02, 1:08 AM | Message # 1
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  • ripping part
    1st, open fighter factory( i use fighter factory ultimate 2.6)

    after, click file=> open and choose the char u want to rip(open .def file)

    then, click the slidemenu animation(don't choose any option!)

    move the slidebar to the max right, and then click the "+" button to add a new animation

    left click on one the sprite on the right, and click "add to air" and then "add group to air" and go to the 1st frame and delete it using the "-" button(or don't)

    click the cactus to save your gif

    choose the speed of the Gif(FPS in other words) and click save

  • animating part
    open Macromedia Flash Professional 8 click file=>import=>import to library and import you gif

    you will notice that some elements have shown in your library: those are the frame of the gif, u can animate them now+u can rip other effect to make it look better, if you don't have a library, go to window=>library

    drag the picture/sprite/name of it, to the stage,

    go up to the time line, and click one the box after the 1st box with a circle:those are the frame, left click on it and click add KeyFrame, another box will appear

    click on the second box, and select you sprite, and click swap on properties bar(can be found also in window)and choose the sprite after it/another sprite, continue animating this method.

    add an effect to make your animation better, convert to a movie clip symbol using F8, and double click on it -once it's a symbol-, to edit it's frames from the inside, now animate it like you animated the other sprites

    go out from the symbol by clicking the blue arrow on top of the timeline,
    if u noticed that there are black outlines on you effect, and they seem annoying, click on the space(not spacebar! in one of the empty places)you'll see the word "background" on the properties bar, click the square beside it, and choose medium grey as a background color, then select you symbol, and click the menu "blend" and select Add/Lighten/Screen

    now, Press and Hold Ctrl+Enter to test you movie or, Ctrl+Alt+Enter (the pic is wrong)

    Message edited by anis91 - Sunday, 2011-10-02, 1:13 AM
    Mugen_BoyDate: Sunday, 2011-10-02, 9:48 AM | Message # 2
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    Thank you very much for this tutorial anis!
    anis91Date: Sunday, 2011-10-02, 12:01 PM | Message # 3
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    Quote (AnimationShop)
    Thank you very much for this tutorial anis!
    no problem MB ;), i will do more tuto's in the future biggrin
    KIXDate: Monday, 2011-10-03, 1:09 PM | Message # 4
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    Thnx anis91

    Added (2011-10-03, 1:09 PM)
    hey anis i want a spirite sheet i did everything acept the animating part but we i click the cactus and save it it saves as gif but i want a spirite sheet ripping thingy

    VizDate: Monday, 2011-10-03, 8:17 PM | Message # 5
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    You can't rip sprite sheets in one go.

    To do that you must rip every individual sprite, then arrange them all onto a spritesheet using Photoshop, GIMP or a similar program.
    anis91Date: Monday, 2011-10-03, 8:45 PM | Message # 6
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    Quote (Viz)
    You can't rip sprite sheets in one go.
    yeah i confirm it, and btw, using this way is better than using sprite sheets, to use sprite sheets, u must crop them, and this is a better way to get them cropped
    VizDate: Monday, 2011-10-03, 10:25 PM | Message # 7
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    Both methods have advantages.
    anis91Date: Monday, 2011-10-03, 11:50 PM | Message # 8
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    Quote (Viz)
    Both methods have advantages.
    i know, this is better, and easier,
    let me see

    this way
    *transparent background sprites
    *better alignment
    *no background(there's a chance to get a bg, only if exist a color as a bg color(in right corner) and as a normal color)

    sprite sheets
    2 types
    with cropping

    *usually there is a background color
    *when you use the swap, u'll have to re-arrange sprites
    *pure quality(if saved as png)
    *needs hard work just to make a movement

    with importing sprite sheet into flash

    *needs to crop it using line tool(after breaking it apart)
    *if u arrange them well, the test won't show them arranged
    *low quality when tested
    *chance to get messed up sprites(in test)
    *bad/medium quality
    VizDate: Tuesday, 2011-10-04, 0:30 AM | Message # 9
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    Most of that is wrong.

    For starters, you can remove any background colour on the sprite-sheet, allowing for easy importing without the need to remove the BG manually.

    You can achieve the same quality with sprite-sheets as with your method; you just have to alter the properties. So the quality is the same.

    There is no alignment difference between the two methods. Using sprite-sheets doesn't automatically mean that your sprites are going to be unaligned.

    Only real difference is that using sprite-sheets takes longer, but not that much longer in all honesty.
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