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Killer Bee Transformation
KIXDate: Wednesday, 2011-10-05, 12:13 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 147
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
killer bee :

WHY i was bored coz i broke my xbox

Mugen_BoyDate: Wednesday, 2011-10-05, 12:17 PM | Message # 2
Mystic Animator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 946
Awards: 2
Reputation: 6
Status: Offline
Next time you're gonna make a GIF, put a line as the surface on which the character is standing on then it would be easier for you to animate it.
And dont reply me saying that you felt lazy so you didnt do it correctly, im just trying to improve you.
KIXDate: Wednesday, 2011-10-05, 12:19 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 147
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Quote (AnimationShop)
Next time you're gonna make a GIF, put a line as the surface on which the character is standing on then it would be easier for you to animate it.
And dont reply me saying that you felt lazy so you didnt do it correctly, im just trying to improve you.

i know how about a stage.....i do it on a stage

Mugen_BoyDate: Wednesday, 2011-10-05, 12:20 PM | Message # 4
Mystic Animator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 946
Awards: 2
Reputation: 6
Status: Offline
Stage would get messed up just like in your signature but if you put a line it wont
KIXDate: Wednesday, 2011-10-05, 12:29 PM | Message # 5
Group: Users
Messages: 147
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Quote (AnimationShop)
Stage would get messed up just like in your signature but if you put a line it wont

tongue how do i put a line

Mugen_BoyDate: Wednesday, 2011-10-05, 12:34 PM | Message # 6
Mystic Animator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 946
Awards: 2
Reputation: 6
Status: Offline
If Pivot then,
File>Create Figure Type
Then make one line and after that,
In the Stick Figure Builder window,
File>Add to animation
Then just write a name and you're done
KIXDate: Wednesday, 2011-10-05, 1:00 PM | Message # 7
Group: Users
Messages: 147
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Quote (AnimationShop)
If Pivot then,
File>Create Figure Type
Then make one line and after that,
In the Stick Figure Builder window,
File>Add to animation
Then just write a name and you're done


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