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Official Chat Thread
Mugen_BoyDate: Sunday, 2012-02-12, 11:22 AM | Message # 316
Mystic Animator
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Quote (anis91)
yer just being lazy

Or maybe because there's actually no need to make one. The day has already passed anyways.
anis91Date: Sunday, 2012-02-12, 7:02 PM | Message # 317
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you have kept it for a week at least,
it's not a human so it's birthday must last long dry
Mugen_BoyDate: Thursday, 2012-02-16, 6:35 PM | Message # 318
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I have to change that header up there to normal first, before I start to do all that I planned.
anis91Date: Thursday, 2012-03-01, 11:18 PM | Message # 319
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anyone play on FaceBook?

ya knaw, cityville-army attack, top eleven, etc...
Mugen_BoyDate: Sunday, 2012-03-11, 3:27 PM | Message # 320
Mystic Animator
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I don't.
I made my own small platform game in Flash after following a tutorial. In my summer holidays, I'll try to learn how to make some nice games and might even learn some coding (not Mugen, but Flash.)
anis91Date: Thursday, 2012-03-15, 9:08 PM | Message # 321
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Quote (-MB-)

dunno how did mugen become more famous that flash,

and when someone hears coding, he thinks you're talking about mugen,

u can say scripting,

and the coding of flash is called action script (not to confuse with java script)
Mugen_BoyDate: Friday, 2012-03-16, 7:25 PM | Message # 322
Mystic Animator
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Quote (anis91)
and when someone hears coding, he thinks you're talking about mugen,

Yeah, specially when you visit most of the mugen sites.
Quote (anis91)
u can say scripting,

anis91Date: Sunday, 2012-03-18, 1:52 PM | Message # 323
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why do i feel we're the only active ones (especially you)?
Mugen_BoyDate: Sunday, 2012-03-18, 2:12 PM | Message # 324
Mystic Animator
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lol I got the same feeling too, we need some members here...
Know of any active one?
anis91Date: Tuesday, 2012-03-20, 10:08 PM | Message # 325
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no unfortunately
AsterDate: Saturday, 2012-03-24, 11:08 AM | Message # 326
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hey i'm active!!

Mugen_BoyDate: Saturday, 2012-03-24, 3:52 PM | Message # 327
Mystic Animator
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Quote (Aster)

Did you stop animating? [Generally]
anis91Date: Saturday, 2012-03-31, 7:04 PM | Message # 328
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hey guys i'm back
N1nYoDate: Sunday, 2012-04-22, 1:58 PM | Message # 329
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Reviving this thread lol well it is a chat thread........
Mugen_BoyDate: Sunday, 2012-04-22, 2:00 PM | Message # 330
Mystic Animator
Group: Administrators
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its no problem to revive a stickied thread

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