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best anim a evah done in my life
anis91Date: Thursday, 2011-12-15, 8:26 PM | Message # 16
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it won't even take a day -_-
Mugen_BoyDate: Thursday, 2011-12-15, 10:37 PM | Message # 17
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It might take a day but not months
tatelprwikzDate: Thursday, 2011-12-15, 10:49 PM | Message # 18
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3 days really
lazy and rushed
RU-MANDate: Friday, 2011-12-16, 9:32 PM | Message # 19
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Quote (tatelprwikz)
lazy and rushed
u must be joking dry
i would have taken a week if i had done that seriously.
tatelprwikzDate: Saturday, 2011-12-17, 6:15 PM | Message # 20
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Quote (RU-MAN)
u must be joking
i would have taken a week if i had done that seriously.

your new on flash world i think :\
anis91Date: Saturday, 2011-12-17, 9:08 PM | Message # 21
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you're kinda wrong
his not new, his lazy :/
Mugen_BoyDate: Saturday, 2011-12-17, 9:39 PM | Message # 22
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Actually he didn't animate anything so far, guess he's more into programming more than animating
tatelprwikzDate: Saturday, 2011-12-17, 11:03 PM | Message # 23
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Quote (anis91)
you're kinda wrong
his not new, his lazy :/


well mmmh xmass coming so.....no more anims and more space to image yay!! school doodles and spend time with my new :§é:é and drawing

anis91Date: Sunday, 2011-12-18, 2:08 AM | Message # 24
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umm, honestly, i don't(the only thing i know is that a got fired today -.-)
and let's go back to topic
tatelprwikzDate: Friday, 2012-02-03, 10:29 PM | Message # 25
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wait utill some days lol
i working on something
and im kinda busy
anis91Date: Saturday, 2012-02-04, 0:23 AM | Message # 26
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hope u didn't "got lazy"
tatelprwikzDate: Sunday, 2012-02-05, 4:02 PM | Message # 27
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i start workin on fullbody
fullbodymotion 1
and i working on it
anis91Date: Sunday, 2012-02-05, 4:27 PM | Message # 28
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so that's it, huh? that's IT? THAT'S WHAT U WANTED TO SHOW US??!!
Mugen_BoyDate: Sunday, 2012-02-05, 8:35 PM | Message # 29
Mystic Animator
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What is that full body animation going to be?
The randoming one was pretty sweet. Nice and awesome movements. How much time did it take you to make that? Would have taken several weeks for me to make something like that.
anis91Date: Sunday, 2012-02-05, 8:46 PM | Message # 30
Official Animator
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Quote (-MB-)
Would have taken several weeks for me to make something like that.

Quote (-MB-)
Would have taken several weeks for me

Quote (-MB-)
Would have taken several weeks

Quote (-MB-)
several weeks


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